Any idea on what feature we should develop for you?

Come and vote for a feature that you like.

In return, you can get a COUPON of Sonoff products.

Also, get the chance to win a smart device for FREE.  



Recently we have received a lot of suggestions, and we are thankful.

We want to let our users participate more in our app development plan.

So we came up with an idea. How about voting?

The feature that most people choose will be added to the app.


To show our appreciation, we will send a COUPON of Sonoff products.

More than that, we will giveaway a smart device supported by eWeLink.

Don't miss the chance to win a smart product for FREE. The more you participate, the more likely to win the gift——


How to enter? It’s easy.

Visit Google forms to vote (we will post it on our Facebook page:, it takes less than 30 seconds to do so.


And if none of the features listed can match your requirement, you can also select the “Other” option and then write down your idea to tell us what you like/want. Every month we collect feature requirements from our users as a reference for the next app version. Therefore we will adjust our develop schedule according to your wish.


So far we had successfully held more than one voting event on our Facebook page.

And what kind of features users chose for [eWeLink 3.11.0] and [eWeLink 3.12.0]? Let's have a look——

Scene sunrise and sunset

[Scene] Sunrise/Sunset 

[Grouping] multiple light bulb devices as a group to control

As promised, we added these two features to eWeLink.


Every vote matters since it helps us understand your needs better.

Any suggestion is welcome. You can also share this information with your family, friends, and related communities. 


Since this is a long term event, you can always vote/suggest features for the next app version, e.g [eWeLink 3.14.0], [eWeLink 3.15.0], etc.