There are many eWeLink compatible devices running different tasks to make their daily life more pleasant and convenient.

eWeLink users come from worldwide and have different cultural backgrounds and lifestyles.
Different users have different ways to make the most of it.

We received lots of comments and it's good to know that a device can fit into so many scenarios.
Check out some inspirational ideas of our users. 💡


How would you use a smart wall switch (with a built-in motion sensor)?
It has a built-in microwave radar that empowers the wall switch with motion detection features.

Light up your garage at night when you come home.

Enric Ubach Torras
"I would use for garage when entering to see in without getting off car, and exiting because i close door with ewelink apo and lights can turn off after several seconds."

Look after your cute furry friends.

Aamer Odeh
"I will use it for my cat, cause she always hit the table leg when she walk at night and I want her to see her way."

Wait,  it's your attic always so dark? No more worries. 

Marcin Kocuł
"I will use it in my attic. It will definitely save my head from hitting the wooden construction."

Stop looking for the button to switch on lights in the middle of the night. 

Axel Redfield
"I would definitely use it for the bathroom, at night we wake up drowsy and going to the bathroom is almost automatic, so using this to avoid having to go to the switch and turn it on makes the process much easier."

Smart Filament Light Bulb - Enjoy vintage aesthetics and energy efficiency. 


Bright up rooms before you arrive home. 

Jachym Lukes
"I want my home to be cozy. When I arrive home, everything will be ready. I live far up north, we actually have only 4 hours of daylight, having light everywhere is the best cure for winter darkness depression. This kind of bulb is perfect."

Create a  vintage, old-school atmosphere. 

Soh Adele
"I would use it to smarten my old school dining table for my loved ones!"

Do you have any smart home projects or questions on eWeLink?

Let us know about your smart ideas! Feel free to share your creativity with us, and inspires others. 

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